Thursday, November 27, 2008

Forgetfulness about my blog

I was soo engrossed in my life... with my small/ big issues... that i almost forgot about the existence of my own blog...
I started this blog somewhere in feb this year... n till date posted very few posts.....
well... life has kept me occupied always.. with something or the other..... (may b others might think i dont have anything concrete to be occupied with.... but no body knows my mind.. :)
2008... this year literally flew.. like wind...feels like it had just started... n now its ending....n wat did i achieve in this yr ... nothing extra ordinary as a person i blv... but yes in terms of general trend of the world... i took one more step to move along the track on the personal front... :P (I know very wague n confusing statement but will make it clear when things are more concrete...)
Professionally, I have been planning to do some certifications... but just cud materialise the plan... somehow... yes i dont have any valid reason for this ..:(
(hope be in touch with my blog constantly)