Monday, June 22, 2009

Dying to go home

I am so desparately waiting to go home.. that I just can't describe my feelings in words... but still there are full 2 weeks left...
I am getting irritated with everyone and evrything around... I am dying to be with my mom n dad... waiting to be with them in their protective shelter... where no one will point any finger on me... n whenever i ll be afraid of the future.. i ll hv their hand to grab....I seriously need a break... from this official and so called professional life....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Changing OUR mindset.....

"Prayer is not an attempt to change GOD's mind, but an attempt to let GOD change our minds"
I read the above quote sometime back...and found it very soothing n convincing at that moment... but today.. when I read it again.. i thought... till how long a human being (who has a small mind) can understand GOD's plan for his LIFE??
Some people say... "Good always happens with Good people and when bad happens with Good people they become even better"... But what if only bad keeps on happening with Good people?
Is lifetime wait also not enough to expect someday everything will be alright? Practically, I have started believing that Sorrows keeps on multiplying once they enter your life... :(