Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Take life as it comes

"Take Life as it comes" - a phrase easily said than followed.
I am sure everyone has heard this phrase from someone at some point of their life.. I also say it many times and try to convince my self at difficult situations. But I was just wondering how difficult it is to accept life as it is... and the difficulty arises all because of thoughts and pre-conceived ideas in our MIND. We have expectations in every sphere of life.. Even as humans, we expect a lot from GOD and when something happens beyond our expectations, we feel betrayed and depressed.
I don't know how GOD has created us, humans... we have such a complex body and mind. The learned people say one should be able to control the mind but it is so difficult for a normal person.
I have taken some decisions in life with the course of time and many of them were left on time. Like "Jo hoga dekha jayega types..". No, I don't think about such decisions again once I decide but then sometimes I feel and wonder... am I strong enough to face whatever happens in future?
Sometimes I feel I am just too strong to think in this manner and decide something like this... but deep inside my heart I know how weak I am, how heart-broken I will be and I am when things go otherwise my expectations and I don't let anyone except myself know this fact ever...
I have never seen GOD like any other normal human.. but still I feel I have some strong force with me always which keeps me going. Hope in future also, this unknown force keeps me going until my last breath.