Monday, November 2, 2020

Sentiments - Feelings

Feelings, once formed, comes out in some form or the other, else keeps on creating disturbance within. 

Hence, it becomes important to let out all the feelings, be it anger, sadness, happiness, fear, disgust etc. from the mind.

Now, how these feelings are formed? They are formed with every thought crossing the mind every second, every event happening around which is connected with that particular person. They are of different types which depict different emotions of humans. The most prominent ones(in my eyes would be) - happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust.

Happiness, is obviously the best feeling to have. All is good around this feeling, one might feel to be on cloud nine, depending upon the level of happiness.

Sadness, arises due to disappointment, loss or fear. Once you feel sad, the whole world seems to be coming to an end. None of the things matter anymore. But as rightly said, time is the biggest healer, eventually this feeling also fades away. Nothing seems to be forever, even these little emotions. 

Anger, the most dangerous one I guess. It is said that you need to suppress your anger for a better future especially for the sake of the relationships. But what are the side effects of suppressing it or hiding it? Have those people who talk to suppressing thought about it? It might be a way to preserve relations but what about oneself? That feeling which has developed will still fight to come out and will eventually come out in some or the other form. Similar category feelings like disgust, irritation etc. would also be tough to handle. 

I thought of a way to handle this, just talk to someone who can listen to you without ifs/buts or any questions in return. But then another questions arises, where to find that someone :( ?

If at all, you have someone who understands you at the core and knows when to listen, when to question, when to comfort, when to scold, you are the luckiest I would say. Somehow, I feel everyone has a child like traits throughout the life for some moments and needs someone to coax just like a child (may be many wouldn't agree on this). This doesn't mean that you are dependent on someone but emotions are such that you need someone at times just to make yourself feel better and be a better person eventually. Since if today someone comforts you, that person will leave on impression on your heart and you will automatically, reciprocate the feelings when time comes.

Not able to understand how God has created such complexities for humans. It is hard to comprehend but he created. Mind blowing!!!