Friday, June 13, 2008


"The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you, It is when you don't understand yourself."

I read this phrase somewhere long time back but guess dint actually realise the meaning at that time... today I was just reading few of my notepads (yeah I hv my personal folder on my office PC which contains the stuff.. I like reading.. :)) .. and somehow automatically understood the deep meaning behind this...
May be, cause today I am able to somewhat relate myself with this..
yeah I am not able to understand myself.. I dont know wat i want..y I become unhappy.. y suddenly i start feeling low...I dont have answers to questions abt myself...sometimes I feel I am not at all sure where my future is heading to..
I have done both good n bad deeds in my life...I am afraid how wil I have to pay for the bad ones..:( I know everyone would sometime feel like this.. but these days i am occupied with quite weird thoughts which I cant even put in words. These sometimes upset me loads.. n it becomes strange n irritating for those around me... :( But I m not able to help myself..

Nothing interests me these days.. only keeping mum n sitting alone... n just thinking something.. or simply nothing
Dont understand wat kinda feeling n state is this.. i hope i come out of this crap soon..
but i liked n felt that this phrase would have been true for everybody atleast once in a lifetime.. (although for me.. its has been true many a times..)