Monday, September 3, 2018

The book called Life

"You can't skip chapters, that's not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it. Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don't want to read, you will have moments which you don't want the pages to end. But you have to keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don't miss out."

Today morning I read these lines on FaceBook, posted by one of my friends....somehow I could relate to these lines ...

Actually, life is crazier than anything I have ever seen in my life... so many turns and twists happen that you forget to keep the track... 

Like when I used to study, the chapters or topics which I used to be least interested in, I would keep them for the end and read only those which I was comfortable in... but with this book called Life... no choices are given... everything is so forceful.. at times... I dont feel like doing some xyz work... but then have to do it.... :(

I dont know how, so many people's life is designed by the Almighty? he/she is super intelligent, diplomatic, manipulative and the best manager so far :)

But why does life force us to deal with things, situations, people we are not comfortable with... why cant we have the choose option in every sphere of life... I know some people would say if we are always in the comfort zone... life will be boring and mundane... but some times it becomes difficult to drag ourselves.... and at that point of time.. you feel like breaking free from all these chores of life.....

Forget all this, you cant even speak your mind when you feel like.. forget doing things of your choice... :(

Whatever, I loved the lines mentioned above and wanted to document it somehow.. so thought of writing this blog :P

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Too many 'whys' in the mind??

Whenever I am confused or have too many doubts/questions in my mind.. I suddenly feel like writing something.. just to ease my inner self.... and then I open this blog.....
I think this blog has become my secret partner... who takes in all my weird thoughts without any ifs/buts :P

So today I  am doubting how does the God plan the lives of so many people at a stretch.. well one may say that's the reason he/she is called the supernatural power... which we, humans, cannot really understand... I dont understand but sometimes I feel God is a little unfair with few people without any reason... yes my mind forces me to say "without any reason..."

we, as humans, have got just this one life... and why we just cant live it as per our wishes... small desires, wishes become dependent on others....

I remember I heard some intellectual saying... that we a child is born .. he/she doesnt even know that he is existing in this world now.. and we start forcing all the relations on him/her... like I am your mom/dad/ granddad etc etc... then from that very moment that child gets stuck in the web of these relations....... and then the dependencies starting building without our realization...
No, I am not against relationships... (I have some bful relations in my life...) but we should give each other space, understand each other's desires, help each other in achieving them...

Another imp thing - we should not think always negative about other person's actions instead we should think that whatever the other person is doing is the best he/she can do with all he/she has .... and that could be resources, energy or even the mental level of a person.... as I write this, I realise it is difficult to do than saying... but giving it a try is worth.....

They say praying is important and should part of your daily chores but with my personal experience I have realised... God has already decided the major things of your life and you cannot simply change them even by praying... I have prayed all my life for just one major thing.... and then got the answer... 'I have decided and it will be as I want.. your praying wont help'... :(

It is not that God hasnt been kind to me.. He/She has blessed with a lovely life and overall... I have no complaints for myself.... but at times... I fail to understand the complexity of life... :(

Hopefully, someday will get the answers for all my doubts... and I only wish my closed relations to be happy always... because they deserve to be happy in my eyes :)