Thursday, April 20, 2023

What era is this?

Seriously, this question keeps on popping up in my mind these days. We say, we are in the 21st century, this is the most modern era ever with technology governing our life and humans being replaced by bots, food recipe being suggested by AI, dictionaries being replaced by Google search engine, outdoor games for kids have been left behind with online games coming in etc.

But still, are we really that modernized in our thinking? Have we really left all the stereotypes and prejudices from our mind, our life? The answer is obviously a big NO..

There are large number of sections of society who still believe in lot of stereotypes like discriminating against the religion, caste and the most famous one is Boys Vs Girls.... Yes, this still prevails around with lot of weightage in the society. 

People say God made man and woman different for a reason. I agree but God has given some power to man and some to woman for a purpose. And, both are unique in their own ways. 

But, humans have made this difference too large to an extent to make people believe that women are the weaker section of the society. I have grown in this society and once someone asked why it is said "Man is a social animal and why not say woman is a social animal?" As a child, I dint know much but immediately, thought the answer as we never represent something with the weaker part of it.. and today when I recall that incident I feel ashamed of myself... All these notions have been spread by humans and they have been in the society since so long that everyone thinks this to be right.

Although, today girls are seen in almost every profession be it army, navy, police, pilot, astronaut, corporate etc. but still at the end of the day, girls are always given the second priority in the families ( though I never felt my parents making me and my sister feel this way). But once I left my parent's shelter, I realised the reality of the world... there are so many things that people still believe is the job of the woman and not the man... I don't understand does the veggies we cook know that is being cooked by a male or a female? or the tools used to do the cleaning understand the gender of the person using them? these statements are seriously laughable but this matter is indeed serious... People think we have a son who is so capable working in a MNC or is a high ranking officer and may be the daughter-in-law is equally qualified but still she will be secondary and her career becomes secondary in front of the choice of family and kids. Why? I don't have an answer... but now I understand one thing that prevails along with general biases is Unconscious bias. I heard this term in one of the official meetings but dint really understand that it exists but now I think this is quite true and overcoming this is even more challenging than removing the notion Girls are for kitchen and boys for earning... :(

Now, I am married and have 2 daughters and in this ever changing world, I always think my daughters should be strong personalities so that they can judge between right & wrong, understand the impact of their decisions, never blindly trust anyone not even their partner unless they form a strong bond.. But then I think, am I really that strong a personality? am I really capable of imbibing these qualities in my daughters? and then, I feel so low because honestly, I am very delicate, honest and fragile inside though I dont let everyone around me know this....I am that type of a person who gives away if someone comes and puts emotional pressure on me, I always tend to believe that I am wrong (though deep inside I know that's not the case always)... :( Hope God gives me more strength to take care of my daughters... I truly believe kids are the parents responsibility not only for their upbringing but for the kind of person they will become when they grow up.

This world has been beautifully created by God with humans to spend good life here but these man-made things actually destroy the beauty of life and make it ugly for some. I am not a powerful person but still I hope to change things for the betterment of the society and the first step is to start from home ie with my daughters :) Let's see how much I can do for them!! God bless me and everyone :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Justifying yourself

 It is really hard to live up to the expectations of the people around and here, I am referring to people who are close to you, may be your loved ones.

People always think what they do is the best and is the correct thing to do ( don't worry people includes myself too, I am not that self-obsessed that I might sound :) ) We often forget that our actions, our thoughts, our words all have an impact on others around us. Sometimes, we say something to calm ourselves down or motivate or simply to feel better but we forget the other person listening to you doesnt know the whole picture of your mind or heart. And, then this is what leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, misinterpretation etc.

Now, why am I jotting all this random things now? I had a habit of writing to vent out whatever is going on in my mind which might be meaningful or might be totally senseless.. and I want to re-initiate this habit of mine... this helps me in having boundary inside my heart where no one can enter... and I feel light at the same time... and most importantly, I want to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings..

At times, it feels that human mind is weird (atleast mine is :P ). Most of the time, I am a very satisfied person who knows that God has given me too many things without me asking or lot of hardships. But sometimes, I feel I am good for nothing, feel so lagged behind, demotivated and then everything around me appears to be wrong and negative :( I am a person who takes most of the responsibilities on myself and that's one of the causes of my own created problems. When my limit is exhausted, I start getting irritated with small things going on around me.. and people around don't understand this...

that's why I will take help of this private blog of mine... to vent my feelings and be clear headed...

I am still thankful to God for whatever he has given me... I might not be truly fav child of God but I know I am not the worst too  :)