Wednesday, May 19, 2021

2020 - An unusual year!!

 2020 - An unusual year that will be remembered in the history and obviously not in a longing way.

This year brought with it, the so called Covid pandemic and disrupted every human's life in one way or the other in this whole world. 

Life of children changed with online classes becoming the source of interaction with the school teachers and replacing the everyday chores of going to school, meeting friends, teachers etc. This impacted to the extent that kids started missing the school and wondering when will they be able to meet their friends. Yes, these were the same kids who always had excuses for not going to school.

For professionals, working from home became the new normal and going to office, meeting colleagues became a fantasy. Now, everyone is wishing to go to office at the earliest.

Businessmen got impacted adversely at every level, would say!! Can't talk much about this category since I dont belong here :P

Apart from schedule changes, people were impacted financially, especially the daily wagers and low class people which arose lot of problems in people's life.

This pandemic period brought lot of people close and lot might drifted apart too because we started spending lot of time with each other and came to know newer sides of each other.

I started this post in 2020 but dint finish it somehow... and it is already 2021...

2021 is scarier than 2020... Last year was only about adapting to the new normals like work from home, online classes for kids, doing household chores all by ourselves, meeting friends and relatives virtually etc.. etc...

But 2021 is about getting scared ... how important it is to be alive and all other things have no significance at all...This year started fine but soon became deadly with this new variant of Covid coming into picture... Every family had one or the other person seriously infected .. people running for medicines, oxygen cylinders, hospital beds etc. People loosing more than a person in one family... the words like passed away, RIP, sad to hear, condolences... became most frequently used words... this year shattered the happiness of so many families... leaving nothing but sadness and despair behind...

Experts say it is all the doings of mankind that was brought on us... but so cruel? making kids orphan, leaving partners alone... simply depressing all around... 

Nature doesnt need humans but humans do... We know this, understand this but most likely fail to show it in our actions.. :( 

Request to God.. please stop this mayhem now!!!

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