Saturday, March 21, 2020

Nature's ways of punishing humanity

Humans are suppose to be the most arrogant (because of obvious reasons) of all the species created by the Almighty. And interestingly, they are the ones who are affected by the tiniest, invisible form of life. VIRUS.

Yes, I am talking about the latest Coronavirus which has suddenly come into existence and has successfully shaken the daily businesses of the human beings. This proves that we dont need to do researches on creating nuclear weapons to protect the country instead we should work on how we can protect the nature so that she doesnt hit back on us in its unique ways.

They say, life is short and I believe it is beautifully complex, out of one's control and beyond our limit of understanding. It is rightly said that when you are busy making plans, life has something else in store for you. Like 3 weeks back, I was so stressed out about my daughter's exams and suddenly in a day everything changed. Ofcourse, the reason was unimaginable at that time. Yes, CORONOVIRUS became the reason.

We fight for all materialistic things for our EGO satisfaction, forgetting how small things can change your biggest of all the plans. Hence, I think we should learn to utilise our life in a meaningful way and spend quality time with our loved ones. We would never know what tomorrow will bring to us but we can surely know what we should be doing in the present.

Hope people realise these minor yet important things in life (I know all this is not new) but thought of penning it down for myself. 

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